Why You Should Get a Career Coach?

Career coach
Career coach

A Career is an important and sensitive topic. As sorted out as it seems, there are different choices we need to make that might change the course of our career vastly. A single decision can lose you your promotion. Similarly, your understanding of the subject might be lesser than you anticipated. All these mistakes can affect your career both in the short and in long run. To make sure our careers do not take a hit, it is wise to hire a career coach.

Many people are skeptical about getting a career coach because nobody wants to admit that they need help. Not everyone indeed needs a professional coach for career advice. Many people, however, do.

A career coach is an experienced person in the general hiring and recruitment field. They have a wide network of connections so they can help you not only with suggestions but with resources too.

If you feel stuck, here are some reasons why you should definitely get a career coach.


1. Improve your Job Application Skills

If you want to try out new jobs but are inexperienced and unsure about how to do it, getting a professional to help you is highly recommended. They can help you improve your job application skills as they have more than enough experience in almost all major and minor fields. Their ability to think like the employer can help you prepare for the upcoming processes involved in job recruitment.




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Meanwhile, they can teach you the best methods for writing cover letters, and your inquiries. Most of the time it is your CV that raises problems while applying for a job. Your career coach can help you revise your CV to make it more prominent and noticeable. Additionally, they can help you with your choice of jobs by providing you with customized suggestions for each potential employer.

2. Gives You Personalized Advice

People are throwing off general advice in all directions these days. A simple google search can answer most of your questions. However, the problem with general advice is the generality itself. It does not concern with the specifics of one’s situation. Your problems with something in your career might not be resolved with your friend’s advice that worked for him/her.

Your coach can look over and analyze your situation to come up with a concrete personalized plan that will work for you. It is like visiting a doctor during illness. He/she will help you diagnose your problem and offer you ways to solve it accordingly.

If you are facing a problem specific as such, it is advised you hire a professional. This will not only resolve the problem but offer you additional suggestions to improve your current situation.


3. Become More Ambitious


Job Search
Job Search


You may have a well-going career without many complaints. You are successful at your work and quite satisfied with it. Your life is ‘eat, work, sleep and repeat’. This might also be a problem for some people. If you want to grow, you got to change and so does your work. Hiring a career coach will allow you to explore your opportunities further. Your coach will make good use of his existing network to help you proceed ahead.

On the other hand, if you are someone who has a vision or a definite plan, your coach will help you optimize it. This will enhance your chances of succeeding significantly. Career coaches can identify and evaluate your strengths and weaknesses to create an appropriate plan that will work favorably for you.


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4. Help Make a Major Career Change

Being successful and being happy in your career are not the same. Although excelling at your job does help make it bearable, it does not guarantee you liking it. Among many reasons for a career change, not being happy at your workplace is a major one. Your coach can help you figure out the problems at your current job which might resolve them completely.

However, if you are sure to make a career change, you cannot afford to make a wrong decision. It has to be planned out with a proper analysis of the options available to you. As mentioned earlier, your coach is aware of your skills and weaknesses which can be used to narrow down career paths for you. Not to mention the obvious list of suggestions you’ll have about the qualities you should look for in your next career.


5. Make it Easy to Land a Job



The competition in the jobs is fierce. No matter how unapproached the job is, you are bound to find competitors during your selection process. In situations like these, you have to make sure you have the upper hand. Even in selected fields, career coaches provide you with lots of options to choose from and then prepare you in the best way possible.

Coaches also provide you with training to improve your skillsets. Your CV probably has qualities you do not excel at. Make this an opportunity to learn all the skills listed on your CV. Meanwhile, coaches also focus on transferrable skills as they are important in every job irrespective of the career field. Organizations prefer employees with good transferrable skills so, try to improvise on this as soon as possible.


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Final Thoughts

Hiring a career coach although, very expensive, can be a good decision. Remember, it is not every day that you hire a professional to help you. Besides, not everyone needs a career coach. However, after learning about it, if you think you do, consider it as an investment in yourself.

With a career coach, you give yourself dedicated time to work on your career and goals. This progress certainly comes in handy. You are not only introduced to a wider world full of possibilities but you can also acknowledge yourself in it. Hiring a coach is all about making the best out of your money by learning as much as you can, about careers and yourself!

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